The winery

Located in Elvillar de Álava at 585m. altitude, Bodega San Roque was founded more than 70 years ago with the intention of continuing the winemaking wisdom transmitted from father to son, in which care for the land and care in winemaking stand out.

Bodega San Roque has been growing without abandoning the wisdom inherited from our ancestral wine culture, and incorporating other ways of understanding viticulture. This reinterpretation of our way of living wine has produced the birth of Cota 585, a new spirit backed by a long tradition.

The winery facilities are divided into three buildings, built during the more than 70 years of the San Roque Cooperative.

The first of them is the Social Headquarters of the Cooperative, and has some concrete production warehouses and warehouses dating from 1951

The second, from 1984, was built on the other side of the road from Assa for reasons of space, this facility is for production already in stainless tanks.

In 2006, the new cellar for the aging of the wines was built and has more than 4000 square meters of production and aging facilities.

Proyecto Financiado por el Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Garantía Agraria

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